Felt Pig

Cute Critter Clutch


Tacky glue
Stiff felt

Time needed: About 1 Hour

1. Cut two 5 1/2-inch circles from the felt.

2. Decorate one circle with glued-on felt facial features (eyes, ears, mouth) and marker details. If desired, add a tail, feet, or other features to the second circle.

Step 3 - Cute Critter Clutch 3. From the stiff felt, cut 2 partial circles as shown below, then cut a hole in each to form handles. Glue the bottom of each handle to the inside of one of the felt circles.

4. Apply a line of glue along the inside edge of one circle, excluding the part with the handle. Press the circles together, aligning the handles, and let the purse dry overnight.

   Fluffy Chicks 

Nest O' Fluffy Chicks


2 small bowls
Plastic wrap
Concentrated liquid laundry starch
Lightweight fuzzy yarn, cut into 3-foot lengths
Black seed beads
Tacky glue 2-inch yellow pom-poms
Orange felt

Time needed: About 1 to 2 Hours

Step 1 1. Cover a small bowl in plastic wrap. Fill a second bowl with liquid starch, then dip in a length of yarn. Wind the wet yarn in a random crisscross pattern around the wrapped bowl's exterior. Repeat this with more yarn until you've covered the bowl's bottom and partway up the sides.

Step 2 2. Let the nest dry in a warm spot overnight (or as long as it takes for it to dry completely). Once it's dry, peel it away from the bowl. Peel off the plastic if it stuck.

Step 3 3. To make each chick, use tweezers to dip bead eyes into a dab of
glue and then affix them to a pom-pom. For a beak, fold the felt, then snip a triangle from the fold. Run a line of glue along the outside of the crease. Press the beak in place. Arrange the chicks in the nest.

Colored Sand Vases 

Colored-sand Vases


Tacky glue
Plastic cup
Clean glass bottle or jar
Colored sand (sold at most craft supply stores)

Time needed: Under 1 Hour

1. Cover your workspace with newspaper (this will make it easier to clean up later). Pour 1/4 cup or so of tacky glue into a plastic cup and dilute it slightly with a teaspoon of water.

2. Show your kids how to use a paintbrush to coat the outside of a clean bottle or jar with the glue solution and then sprinkle spoonfuls of colored sand over the glued surface, rotating the bottle to spread the sand evenly.

3. Allow the glue to dry completely. Once your kids get the hang of it, encourage them to experiment with multicolored designs. Or they might apply the glue in swirls or other shapes to create interesting patterns.


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